Te Mangai Paho

Te M?ngai P?ho is a Crown Entity established to make funding available to the national network of M?ori radio stations and for the production of M?ori language television programmes, music CDs and videos. Daily news, current affairs, sports c


Te M?ngai P?ho is a Crown Entity established to make funding available to the national network of M?ori radio stations and for the production of M?ori language television programmes, music CDs and videos.

Daily news, current affairs, sports coverage, children's M?ori language programming and more may be enjoyed when you tune into M?ori Radio stations, M?ori Television Service, TV1, TV2, TV3, Prime and Sky.

Te M?ngai P?ho run regular tender rounds for M?ori language programming funds. If you would like to apply for:

? reo M?ori Radio Programme funds
? reo M?ori Music CD funds
? reo M?ori TV Programme funds

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